Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Plasma Light ships over Grid ley line work by Roshandra

Clearing the GRID Angelic Light and LIGHT SHIPS....i found the group that i was able to ask to work as a quad team did some beautiful WORK together and i had 4 more women reiki masters behind the scenes holding the space and protection for us that worked remotely and one person Marcia on the GROUND there at TEOTIHUACAN...needless to say during the energy clearing of that GRID...i had assigned a PYRAMID to each one of the Quad team Collaboration and i had some additional information COME in to me later...for one thing there were 4 LIGHT PLASMA SHIPS show up to aid the ANCHORING while the group cleared out the existing ritual energy there and lost souls used in sacrifices and current ones of Sandy Hook event that was connected to the LEY LINE GRID... the PLASMA LIGHT ships I saw SHOWED UP and when work was DONE they ZIPPED out of that Dimension...they came in through 4 D and it was extremely powerful and helpful. I also SET up the ENERGY WORK with the FOUR ARCH ANGELS I work with all the time and GAIA her LIGHT GRID there....she knows how to handle the energy given once a LEY LINE IS OPENED or freed of BLOCKS or death energy blocking it or attempting to misuse it... NOW it has been in the last few weeks i have been RECEIVING additional information on the GRID..

I knew this grid was showing me LANDING platforms of previous purpose and use in the small temples that are FLAT raised stone small pyramids....I now see BAALBEK also a landing previous platform that temples where built upon and the HUGE STONES that can handle the WEIGHT of large Space ships...the LIGHT ships will be going in and out of dimensions and more will be SEEN soon now....

currently as stages of other pyrmaids are freed up and energy ON people will have Dreams and VISIONS on these positive changes and energy....DO Share our DOCUMENTARY VIDEO and the BLOG I have with LINKS ..

thanks all and Namaste Roshandra * Arch Angel RAPHAEL 
The Art of Centering feng shui with Roshandra ..ley lines, home and business feng shui and energy GRIDS.

Our DOCUMENTARY Video of AWAKEN Grid Clearing Teotihuacan Mexico