Friday, March 1, 2013

Isle of Wight, England...Templar ley lines by Roshandra

Isle of WIGHT by Roshandra

Ley lines..BERLINUS Connects Isle of Wight with England and to Scotland

This extraordinary feature, beloved of  new-agers and many more across the world, was discovered in 1974 and named the Berlinus Line after an ancient king of Britain, legendary for his road building and supposedly a descendant of Trojan Brutus, the mythical founder of Britain. The early English historian Geoffrey of Monmouth(c. AD 1100 –1155) wrote, in his famous work History of the Kings of Britain that the king …”summoned workmen from all over the island and ordered them to construct a road of stones and mortar which would bisect the island longitudinally from the Cornish Sea to the shore of Caithness and should lead in a straight line to each of the cities on route“.
Whether the Berlinus Line actually follows the course of such a road, who knows, and it’s likely that Monmouth’s king is in any case more than a little mixed up with the Celtic god Belenus, but that’s just so much detail – the point is that there is a huge invisible line of power that crosses the country, and it starts just outside Sandown!
Those who follow (literally and figuratively) the Berlinus Line believe that it channels a mysterious force, known to the Druids as The Dragon, and here’s a thing – to ley hunters and mystics our little old Isle of Wight is the Island of the Dragon. Its curving spine of chalk and sand traces the shape of two great creatures, entwined about the centre point and marking a unique meeting of the fundamental male and female energies.

the White Lions holds an energy of helping LEY LINES and Sirius energy
they aid the Planet Spiritually
this is Casper in the Isle of Wight Zoo  

Casper WHITE LION at Isle of Wight zoo

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