Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Clearing the Grid...Teotihuacan by Roshandra

Clearing the Grid - Planetary work - Teotihuacan Mexico Pyramids January 27, 2013
Clearing the GRID at the Teotihuacan location Mexico
by Roshandra
A lovely Group of LIGHT WORKERS joined as a Quad Team of Light
Sandy Hook event on December 14, 2012 deeply 'touched me personally' in that it was a school where children and some adults where caught in an event of tragic means.
The Event as it was broadcast on TV revealed some perplexing and rather strange interviews of those in that process of the event in real time.
The event although Real, seemed orchestrated along with this event following a Colorado Cinema Batman movie premiere earlier.  
These events became some kind of on going Message to all of us watching.     
I personally felt 'called' to gather some other light workers to focus on the ley lines around this event while discovering this connected on a KEY Ley Line of the 188.
This Ley Line connects to the Pyramids of TEOTIHUACAN.
Additionally the SANDY HOOK School where this event on December 14, 2012 took place mirrored the design  school building lay out of that of the more then 4,000 year earlier built TEMPLE OF the FEATHERED SERPENT at Teotihuacan.  Sandy Hook school in Connecticut was built in 1956.  Further the ley lines move across the globe to Egypt's pyramids.  The Temple of the Feathered Serpent was part of the Mayan key calender date of December 14th in the past when rituals were done with child sacrifices there. 
The team organized ourselves to work to clear the grid there.

 Each Team member was focused on one of the FOUR KEY Pyramids there at Teotihucan.
Rion DeRouen of Sedona focused on the Sun Pyramid.
Marcia Valverde of Mexico City focused on the Moon Pyramid and was on ground Zero there.
Daniel of Normandy France was focused on the Jaguar Temple.
 Myself, Roshandra of Los Gatos, California was focused on the Feathered Serpent Temple. 
  there were an additional four reiki master women as part of the remote long distance team.

Each of use worked on the GEOMANCY of each Pyramid.
During this TWO hour long distance clearing while Marcia worked on Ground Zero there at Teotihuacan we set up a protection Grid first. Then we aligned with the Higher energies that aid this kind of work. A bubble of biosphere of LIGHT was placed over the grid. Then the work began to commence and flow.

Clearing the GRID...
Marcia walking the grid with protection and also the full length of the main avenue there. The walk way road that leads to the Moon Temple. Her work was then there with a Puja offering. 
She cleared but aligned to the moon energies. This pyramid had a lot of ritual clearing to do and soul releases.  Often when rituals of this magnitude and the past where done, souls were caught in the negative energies that did not allow them to lift or go to higher light dimensions.  We found jagaur, birds, many human souls counting over 200 along with some souls of their leaders or rulers there.  Those were Freed.  This Pyramid had been built over seven stages. The oldest phase was the darkest of the energies but it was layered with astral energy. A feminine Goddess did come into the process there with the Moon energies while doing this work.

Rion worked with the Sun energies and the Four Directions off the highest and newest of the four pyramids that were built there originally.

 Daniel worked with the Jaguar energy temple. This was a very old one in the group. A lot of CAT energy of not only Jaguar protectors but the White Lions also came in strongly to aid this.

Roshandra, worked the Feathered Serpent temple.  This was the oldest create pyramid of the grid along with the darkest. Over 200 souls where trapped there to be released. In that process there was a clear energy of aid. There were also two priests of spirit that came forth. One was more of light and Mayan which seemed fine with the clearing work. The other was a darker nature or lower god that did not want this work done. A Goddess stepped in to inform the spirit this was going to be done. Three Wishes where granted.  In that part of the process while i was working it became clear to INCORPORATE all the work i was guided to do in the key hour of the work plus Sandy Hook. The first souls to release where the children that may have died in Sandy Hook killings.  Then a large group of souls from past rituals done at the temple began to lift quickly out of the web they were entrapped in in the energies around the grid there.  Then the clearing of that temple on all four sides moved easily.  Many more souls there with jaguars and birds too were freed.  That process was very intense.  In building these structures animal and human sacrifice, blood is utilized as the 'energy is part of what traps' the intents there along with magical incantations.  
The LEY LINES to Sandy Hook then was Back filled with LIGHT along with energy BLOCKS so who ever did the event at Sandy Hook could not use the Ley Lines on an energetic level or ritual.  Clearly who ever was doing this event, due to the School lay out matching the Feathered Serpent lay out was no accident.  That was planned way long before the architecture of the school was built. AMAZING if you look just at that fact to connect the dots.
At Teotihuacan they are currently restoring this temple. This means although they wish to preserve antiquity pyramids, they are bringing in a new energy to it.  This is Good.
The architecture is a geomantic design and is placed on a Powerful Nexus energy GRID to begin with.  Clearing of past MIS USE of locations like this is part of a darker agenda.  Doing LIGHT work on GRIDS allows and aids the Lifting of the past off it while opening it up to the Inflows of Heaven energy and GAIA under that.  That is what Grid working is about with the Ley lines that string connections around the globe of the Earth.

During this Clearing there was the Setting of the Biosphere light so we could get in and do our work.
There where the Four Arch Angels present that a visual of Four Huge WHITE Light Columns came in to help GRID this in positive energy and vibration.
There also were Four LIGHT ships that came in Dimensionally to aid us with the work.
It was a sense of both 7 Dimensional Light beings aiding us and 11 Dimensional Light beings.

The Gates there where opened before Marcia began here WALK by an Olmec deity god.
This deity god when we where done CLOSED the portal doorway. 
This energy was TIED down with the male White lion protector nearby in a local zoo.
It was also tied down to the Olmec STONE head. That location is not mentioned.
The Grid was entirely worked with most of the work done on the Axis of the EAST South and Direct North.  The West was worked privately with corn meal offerings.  That area was filled with LIGHT. The final part was WHITE LIGHT over the entire GRID as we Closed it off.

Clearing of the Grid.
Thank you to all that aided us.  Those 'seen and unseen'. 
With the aid of Spirit and those present in this, this kind of work presents a complicated but powerful way of doing Light work long distance with one person on the ground there.
It is work that takes spiritual agreement, trust in your team members, and the added aid of the Spirit working with us. Seen and Unseen... In Gratitude, Namaste.

Our children need to be Safe in their schools
Folks going to the cinema need to be Safe.
 Those that are mis used by being part of these seemingly Orchestrated Events need to be Safe too.
The Group collective viewing these events or their communities dragged into these seemingly PRE set up events need to feel Safe but gain Clarity on this.

CONNECT the Dots...
Namaste Roshandra, Arch Angel MICHAEL
the VIDEO DOCUMENTARY link  Namaste


  1. some people ask me how i do this be honest this is something in my nature and it always has been natural for me to SEE INTO the LEY LINES or ENERGY GRID. what occurrs though is a method i work with from i am Sure past lives. I am a GEOMANCER. When i am doing this work the way it must be cleared becomes clear to me and worked with with also speaking to both the Guides, Local Spirit deity energies, Angels, and my own working gifts in this Medium. What i do is I CALL IN Energies...Magnetize them to my Light BODY and then Send out the energy to Pin Point on the Accupressure Lines shown me. To open up the FLOW. I also work with PUJA... a HINDU type of OFFERING of fruits, flowers, wine, water Corn Meal to the GRID to aid GAIA regain her Clearing of a blocked Ley Line or Nexus. Since i do a lot of Nexus and Power grid work this involves the Elementals, Arch Angels and Planetary Star energies too. I CALL DOWN THE LIGHT or ENERGY and am BOOSTED into my LIGHT BODY and then i work. Afterwards I am not DEPLETED or tired but i do have download information about the clearing and how the ley lines are impacted in FLOW later or how Negativity can't use it. A Protection SHEATH in energy is put over the work and SEALED OFF on a Hermetic and Angelic LIGHT level along with the Ancestors and LIGHT BEINGS off planet that aid this kind of WORK.... just a small view into my world and how i do this work...Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Raphael Namaste

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  3. here is the LINK for OUR VIDEO DOCUMENTARY on the GRID Clearing and Sandy Hook connections to Teotihuacan ley line..Namaste Roshandra...


  5. MORE GEOMETRY on the SANDY HOOK post event...
