Sunday, March 29, 2015

Recent SHASTA Retreats and Gatherings with Roshandra * Arch ANGEL Raphael update 2015

Recently a compilation of RETREATS and ASCENSION Gatherings that 'I' do privately with small grouops, and usually women only, began to move into some FASCINATING new VISIONS with this SACRED Mountain and PORTAL Vortex.

From Roshandra * Arch ANGEL Raphael

My recent retreat Gatherings and Ascension Teachings
This year has been Extremely BUSY for the small groups that have been connecting for these personal and private retreats that I offer with SHASTA GRID.  This work that has been on going with retreats and three days there at Shasta has been part of an over 17 year series of spiritual work.

Since 2009 When picking up a young man that had been meditating in silence for 5 days on the mountain and needed a lift down on 11:11:2009, I found the image of ADAMA coming with him and into my SUV car.  Giving him a lift to town confirmed the vision and energy as a postcard of ADAMA in a bookshop stood out to 'me' affirming this.   Ascension teachings with my private groups began THEN.

In 2014 another series of shifts took place not only with the Groups that were Drawn to the SMALL private Bed n Breakfast gatherings i offered on Ascension and TWIN Codices and Portal experience on Shasta, but then it followed with some rather phenomenal experiences for myself as well

THE ROOT CHARKA for the Planet is at Mt.SHASTA.  Part of the 3 key lower chakras that I take my participants through are located in SHASTA for grounding and then anchoring their CRYSTALLINE LIGHT body to the ROOT chakra Ascension GRID there at Shasta.   

There is a 3rd Chakra portal of SUN LIGHT and animal energy power and the Ancestor GrandFathers that over see and protect the grid.
There is a 2nd Chakra portal of the GROTTO to the Virgin Mary for the WATER element and YIN Sacred spring.
There is the 1st Chakra ROOT portal VORTEX that i walk them through on completion of the retreat and Ascension CODE Activations. 

Now in September 2014 a group came in of ALL WOMEN and some flew in from long distances.  I ALWAYS hold my private gatherings at the same Bed n Breakfast and also hold longer events in Mc Cloud and also a key Bed n Breakfast INN.   ON that retreat i was SHOWN MIB like the MATRIX images of men in black raincoats curious about 'me' and i was shown and heard a TELEPATHIC conversation that THEY COULD NOT TOUCH or interfere WITH what i was doing up there.  IF they bothered me or my events, they would be REMOVED>  This vision was very clear and was immediately registered in the energy around this.  WHEN we drove into TOWN in the back road to SHASTA proper we had an escorted two cars.  One being a local pick up truck that was WHITE and then a U Turn Police local cal also WHITE came in behind my GROUP and observed our coming into the town.  Exciting that was and affirming that we were NOTED and FELT and then SAFE.

This is the stuff that does happen  I smiled

NOW 2015  ... another small group and all flew in from FLORIDA and this group were al Awakening and doing planetary work to help the PLANET ENERGY and STAR ORION connections.   One day we drove over to BURNEY FALLS and there i began to feel tired?  They wanted to hike down to the waterfall base and take the trails.  I agreed and let the group do that and felt guided to take an energy NAP in the CAR locked up in the Ranger parking lot there.  Instantly i had been reminded of the Bark fury i saw in the parking lot and BIGFOOT visuals came to mind.  IN taking the nap i had experiences of male bigfoots telepathicly communicating from 7 D to me..  Dimensionally it is said they are in that frequency and they go in and out AT WILL of DIMENSIONS.  

Later back at my B n B Suite i had BIGFOOT come into the room and note whee i traveled to.
THEN 3 months later on a VIBEY Moon timing, at my CLUB and Health spa again i had a Strong TELEPATHIC experience of not only the two previous male BIGFOOTS but some larger male BIGFOOT leader come in.  STAY TUNED, I feel this is going to be interesting.  I SMILED.

Blessings Roshandra   * Arch ANGEL Raphael 
for upcoming and on going Retreats at SHASTA:

ARTICLE to read 

Let's talk about the history of this magic mountain, we all know as Mount Shasta: Mount Shasta was formerly known as Strawberry Valley, Berryvale and Sisson. A long history of mythology surrounds the mountain, including legends of Lemurians, Atlanteans, Secret Commonwealth citizens, dwarfs, fairies, Bigfoot, and space beings who materialize at will. The Indians believed Mt. Shasta was a portal to other dimensions. Bigfoot of course is associated with UFOs and is considered an interdimensional being, that can walk into this reality and his own dimensional reality at will. Mt. Shasta is a very special place to say the least; it represents much more than just a mere mountain. Mt. Shasta can be considered as one of the most sacred places on this planet. The mountain is a mystic power source for this planet. Some people theorize that it is connected to a leyline, similar to Stonehenge in England. It is a focus for angels, spirit-guides, spaceships, masters from the Light Realm, Wicca and the home of the survivors of Ancient Lemuria, which sank under the waves of the Pacific Ocean a little over 12,000 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. I had one of my most spiritual experiences ever on Mt. Shasta when I was 18. I hiked to a meadow that was covered with wild flowers. I looked up to see a glacier in the middle of summer. As I drank from a running spring I felt a beautiful sensation that I was visiting a very special place. I can't tell you where it was as I did not have a map. I was guided by a divine force.
