Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Plasma Light ships over Grid ley line work by Roshandra

Clearing the GRID Angelic Light and LIGHT SHIPS....i found the group that i was able to ask to work as a quad team did some beautiful WORK together and i had 4 more women reiki masters behind the scenes holding the space and protection for us that worked remotely and one person Marcia on the GROUND there at TEOTIHUACAN...needless to say during the energy clearing of that GRID...i had assigned a PYRAMID to each one of the Quad team Collaboration and i had some additional information COME in to me later...for one thing there were 4 LIGHT PLASMA SHIPS show up to aid the ANCHORING while the group cleared out the existing ritual energy there and lost souls used in sacrifices and current ones of Sandy Hook event that was connected to the LEY LINE GRID... the PLASMA LIGHT ships I saw SHOWED UP and when work was DONE they ZIPPED out of that Dimension...they came in through 4 D and it was extremely powerful and helpful. I also SET up the ENERGY WORK with the FOUR ARCH ANGELS I work with all the time and GAIA her LIGHT GRID there....she knows how to handle the energy given once a LEY LINE IS OPENED or freed of BLOCKS or death energy blocking it or attempting to misuse it... NOW it has been in the last few weeks i have been RECEIVING additional information on the GRID..

I knew this grid was showing me LANDING platforms of previous purpose and use in the small temples that are FLAT raised stone small pyramids....I now see BAALBEK also a landing previous platform that temples where built upon and the HUGE STONES that can handle the WEIGHT of large Space ships...the LIGHT ships will be going in and out of dimensions and more will be SEEN soon now....

currently as stages of other pyrmaids are freed up and energy ON people will have Dreams and VISIONS on these positive changes and energy....DO Share our DOCUMENTARY VIDEO and the BLOG I have with LINKS ..

thanks all and Namaste Roshandra * Arch Angel RAPHAEL 
The Art of Centering feng shui with Roshandra ..ley lines, home and business feng shui and energy GRIDS.

Our DOCUMENTARY Video of AWAKEN Grid Clearing Teotihuacan Mexico

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Clearing the Grid...Teotihuacan by Roshandra

Clearing the Grid - Planetary work - Teotihuacan Mexico Pyramids January 27, 2013
Clearing the GRID at the Teotihuacan location Mexico
by Roshandra
A lovely Group of LIGHT WORKERS joined as a Quad Team of Light
Sandy Hook event on December 14, 2012 deeply 'touched me personally' in that it was a school where children and some adults where caught in an event of tragic means.
The Event as it was broadcast on TV revealed some perplexing and rather strange interviews of those in that process of the event in real time.
The event although Real, seemed orchestrated along with this event following a Colorado Cinema Batman movie premiere earlier.  
These events became some kind of on going Message to all of us watching.     
I personally felt 'called' to gather some other light workers to focus on the ley lines around this event while discovering this connected on a KEY Ley Line of the 188.
This Ley Line connects to the Pyramids of TEOTIHUACAN.
Additionally the SANDY HOOK School where this event on December 14, 2012 took place mirrored the design  school building lay out of that of the more then 4,000 year earlier built TEMPLE OF the FEATHERED SERPENT at Teotihuacan.  Sandy Hook school in Connecticut was built in 1956.  Further the ley lines move across the globe to Egypt's pyramids.  The Temple of the Feathered Serpent was part of the Mayan key calender date of December 14th in the past when rituals were done with child sacrifices there. 
The team organized ourselves to work to clear the grid there.

 Each Team member was focused on one of the FOUR KEY Pyramids there at Teotihucan.
Rion DeRouen of Sedona focused on the Sun Pyramid.
Marcia Valverde of Mexico City focused on the Moon Pyramid and was on ground Zero there.
Daniel of Normandy France was focused on the Jaguar Temple.
 Myself, Roshandra of Los Gatos, California was focused on the Feathered Serpent Temple. 
  there were an additional four reiki master women as part of the remote long distance team.

Each of use worked on the GEOMANCY of each Pyramid.
During this TWO hour long distance clearing while Marcia worked on Ground Zero there at Teotihuacan we set up a protection Grid first. Then we aligned with the Higher energies that aid this kind of work. A bubble of biosphere of LIGHT was placed over the grid. Then the work began to commence and flow.

Clearing the GRID...
Marcia walking the grid with protection and also the full length of the main avenue there. The walk way road that leads to the Moon Temple. Her work was then there with a Puja offering. 
She cleared but aligned to the moon energies. This pyramid had a lot of ritual clearing to do and soul releases.  Often when rituals of this magnitude and the past where done, souls were caught in the negative energies that did not allow them to lift or go to higher light dimensions.  We found jagaur, birds, many human souls counting over 200 along with some souls of their leaders or rulers there.  Those were Freed.  This Pyramid had been built over seven stages. The oldest phase was the darkest of the energies but it was layered with astral energy. A feminine Goddess did come into the process there with the Moon energies while doing this work.

Rion worked with the Sun energies and the Four Directions off the highest and newest of the four pyramids that were built there originally.

 Daniel worked with the Jaguar energy temple. This was a very old one in the group. A lot of CAT energy of not only Jaguar protectors but the White Lions also came in strongly to aid this.

Roshandra, worked the Feathered Serpent temple.  This was the oldest create pyramid of the grid along with the darkest. Over 200 souls where trapped there to be released. In that process there was a clear energy of aid. There were also two priests of spirit that came forth. One was more of light and Mayan which seemed fine with the clearing work. The other was a darker nature or lower god that did not want this work done. A Goddess stepped in to inform the spirit this was going to be done. Three Wishes where granted.  In that part of the process while i was working it became clear to INCORPORATE all the work i was guided to do in the key hour of the work plus Sandy Hook. The first souls to release where the children that may have died in Sandy Hook killings.  Then a large group of souls from past rituals done at the temple began to lift quickly out of the web they were entrapped in in the energies around the grid there.  Then the clearing of that temple on all four sides moved easily.  Many more souls there with jaguars and birds too were freed.  That process was very intense.  In building these structures animal and human sacrifice, blood is utilized as the 'energy is part of what traps' the intents there along with magical incantations.  
The LEY LINES to Sandy Hook then was Back filled with LIGHT along with energy BLOCKS so who ever did the event at Sandy Hook could not use the Ley Lines on an energetic level or ritual.  Clearly who ever was doing this event, due to the School lay out matching the Feathered Serpent lay out was no accident.  That was planned way long before the architecture of the school was built. AMAZING if you look just at that fact to connect the dots.
At Teotihuacan they are currently restoring this temple. This means although they wish to preserve antiquity pyramids, they are bringing in a new energy to it.  This is Good.
The architecture is a geomantic design and is placed on a Powerful Nexus energy GRID to begin with.  Clearing of past MIS USE of locations like this is part of a darker agenda.  Doing LIGHT work on GRIDS allows and aids the Lifting of the past off it while opening it up to the Inflows of Heaven energy and GAIA under that.  That is what Grid working is about with the Ley lines that string connections around the globe of the Earth.

During this Clearing there was the Setting of the Biosphere light so we could get in and do our work.
There where the Four Arch Angels present that a visual of Four Huge WHITE Light Columns came in to help GRID this in positive energy and vibration.
There also were Four LIGHT ships that came in Dimensionally to aid us with the work.
It was a sense of both 7 Dimensional Light beings aiding us and 11 Dimensional Light beings.

The Gates there where opened before Marcia began here WALK by an Olmec deity god.
This deity god when we where done CLOSED the portal doorway. 
This energy was TIED down with the male White lion protector nearby in a local zoo.
It was also tied down to the Olmec STONE head. That location is not mentioned.
The Grid was entirely worked with most of the work done on the Axis of the EAST South and Direct North.  The West was worked privately with corn meal offerings.  That area was filled with LIGHT. The final part was WHITE LIGHT over the entire GRID as we Closed it off.

Clearing of the Grid.
Thank you to all that aided us.  Those 'seen and unseen'. 
With the aid of Spirit and those present in this, this kind of work presents a complicated but powerful way of doing Light work long distance with one person on the ground there.
It is work that takes spiritual agreement, trust in your team members, and the added aid of the Spirit working with us. Seen and Unseen... In Gratitude, Namaste.

Our children need to be Safe in their schools
Folks going to the cinema need to be Safe.
 Those that are mis used by being part of these seemingly Orchestrated Events need to be Safe too.
The Group collective viewing these events or their communities dragged into these seemingly PRE set up events need to feel Safe but gain Clarity on this.

CONNECT the Dots...
Namaste Roshandra, Arch Angel MICHAEL
the VIDEO DOCUMENTARY link  Namaste

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cathedral Gothic Architecture and Energy Vibration

Cathedral and GOTHIC Designs on how they Impact and are a NEXIS MUNDI and INFLUENCE your energy when you are in these Architectural Landscapes 
by Roshandra ...Interior Design and Geomancy
The Art of Centering, feng shui 
Also Clearing the Grid, Ley Line Documentaries.
connecting the dots

THURSDAY, MAY 07, 2009

The Theology and Metaphysics of the Gothic Cathedral - part 1

The British philosopher Alain de Botton has written that “Any object of design will give off an impression of the psychological and moral attitudes it supports… in essence what works of design and architecture talk to us about is the kind of life that would most appropriately unfold within and around them”. Given this basis to our evaluation of all architecture, and especially sacred architecture, it seems to me vital that we pay attention to the cultural and philosophical milieux which give rise to various forms of architecture. For a beautiful building that transcends the merely functional is a work of art, which expresses deeper realities. An architect, then, is an artist whose art is that of organizing structures, giving it form, to create a beautiful space which can be enjoyed aesthetically. The beautiful space, so arranged by the art of the architect, is then enjoyed by those who walk through the space, so that it becomes, in a sense, a living and enduring work of art with which we interact. Thus the French philosopher Etienne Gilson says that “architecture is the art of that which is to last as music is the art of that which is to pass away”. In what follows, I wish to discuss those metaphysical ideas that underlie a great Gothic cathedral, and consider the theology and weltanschauung that informed the medieval master mason. 

The medieval vision & symbolism

St Thomas Aquinas famously said that “pulchra enim dicuntur quae visa placent”, ‘beautiful things are those which please when seen’. As such, beautiful things, which participate in God’s beauty and receive their proper beauty from him, was apprehended through the human senses, and especially through one’s sight. Sight is an important part of understanding the medieval world view, and the vision of God, by which St Thomas meant that the glorified human intellect can come to know God “as he is”, is central to Scholastic theology, for “the ultimate beatitude of man consists in the use of his highest function, which is the operation of his intellect”. Hence, St Thomas asserts that “the blessed see the essence of God”. Thus, to know God – in so far as creatures are capable of doing so – is to ‘see’ God, just as we might say ‘I see’ when we mean that we have understood something. Therefore, Otto von Simson notes that “the Gothic age, as has often been observed, was an age of vision”.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that St Thomas affirms that “it is impossible for God to be seen by the sense of sight, or by any other sense, or faculty of the sensitive power” because God is incorporeal. Hence, God’s essence is not seen by our eyes. However, our eyes can “receive some form representing God according to some mode of similitude; as in the divine Scripture divine things are metaphorically described by means of sensible things”. Therefore, the medieval imagination is suffused with a ‘sacramental’ view of the world, so to speak, in which corporeal things represent incorporeal things, and it is through the material that we can perceive the spiritual. Abbot Suger, who was responsible for what is often recognized as the first Gothic church, said that his abbey church of St Denis transformed “that which is material to that which is immaterial”. This idea, which had been expounded by Blessed Dionysius the Areopagite, is firmly rooted in the Incarnation, and following in this tradition, St Thomas would say that, “our intellect, which is led to the knowledge of God from creatures, must consider God according to the mode derived from creatures”, and, “signs are given to men, to whom it is proper to discover the unknown by means of the known”. This is possible because created things participate in the truth, beauty and goodness of God. As St Thomas, commenting on Dionysius’ The Divine Names says, creaturely beauty is nothing other than the “likeness of divine beauty participated in things”. This fundamental idea, which permeates the practice of medieval art, is what lead Abbot Suger to say that “the dull mind rises to truth through that which is material”, thus giving a strong symbolic, even ‘sacramental’ sense, to the arts. Émile Mâle, in his study of the religious art of thirteenth-century France, thus said that “mediaeval art was before all things a symbolic art, in which form is used merely as the vehicle of spiritual meaning”. The chief form of this symbolic art that dominates the landscape of the Middle Ages, is the cathedral, on which we shall concentrate in this essay.

Wells Retrochoir vault
We must first consider what is meant when we speak of medieval art as symbolic. Since the Middle Ages, the word ‘symbol’ has come to be used to indicate something that points to something else, or to indicate something, rather like a street sign or a traffic signal. As Von Simson notes, “for us the symbol is the subjective creation of poetic fancy” and, as Tillich notes, “much of what previously had symbolic power has become meaningless”. However, for the medievals, and indeed as it ought to be for Catholics, “the concept of symbol has a deeper, more comprehensive sense, because it intends to present and describe a real means of communication between God and humanity under the aspect of sign”. This is to say that the symbol – and in this case we mean the Gothic cathedral – is not just an earthly reminder or signpost of heavenly realities, but rather it is the ‘en-fleshing’ in worldly matter of heavenly realities. As in the Incarnation the eternal Word communicated with humankind in the flesh, so God continues to communicate his truth to us through material signs and visible means. For, Von Simson argues, the medievals understood that “the physical world as we understand it has no reality except as a symbol… symbol is the only objectively valid definition of reality”. This metaphysical sensitivity characterizes the medieval artistic vision, so that the Gothic cathedral is not to be primarily understood in functional or socio-economic or aesthetic terms, but in metaphysical and theological terms, and one has to ask what truth the cathedral symbolizes; how does God communicate with us in its beauty and form? Hence, Von Simson says, “the medieval artist was committed to a truth that transcended human existence. Those who looked at his work judged it as an image of that truth”.

This strong symbolic sense, which is redolent of a Catholic understanding of sacramentals, the theology of the Incarnation, and the philosophical idea of participation, is central to any grasp of the Gothic cathedral and its architecture. I would argue that this was largely lost after the Reformation, and it needs to be re-discovered. For a church is not built just as a theatre for the sacred drama of Liturgy, nor merely as a badge of our cultural identity, nor even as a didactic 'worship space', but it is, as the medievals saw it, a transformation of space and matter so that the church building makes visible and truly communicated in its very physical form the metaphysical reality of redeemed Creation, which is sacramentally made visible in God's holy Church. 

Continued in Part 2: the Eschatological vision of the Gothic Cathedral

Hagia Sophia TURKEY Istanbul

Friday, March 1, 2013

Isle of Wight, England...Templar ley lines by Roshandra

Isle of WIGHT by Roshandra

Ley lines..BERLINUS Connects Isle of Wight with England and to Scotland

This extraordinary feature, beloved of  new-agers and many more across the world, was discovered in 1974 and named the Berlinus Line after an ancient king of Britain, legendary for his road building and supposedly a descendant of Trojan Brutus, the mythical founder of Britain. The early English historian Geoffrey of Monmouth(c. AD 1100 –1155) wrote, in his famous work History of the Kings of Britain that the king …”summoned workmen from all over the island and ordered them to construct a road of stones and mortar which would bisect the island longitudinally from the Cornish Sea to the shore of Caithness and should lead in a straight line to each of the cities on route“.
Whether the Berlinus Line actually follows the course of such a road, who knows, and it’s likely that Monmouth’s king is in any case more than a little mixed up with the Celtic god Belenus, but that’s just so much detail – the point is that there is a huge invisible line of power that crosses the country, and it starts just outside Sandown!
Those who follow (literally and figuratively) the Berlinus Line believe that it channels a mysterious force, known to the Druids as The Dragon, and here’s a thing – to ley hunters and mystics our little old Isle of Wight is the Island of the Dragon. Its curving spine of chalk and sand traces the shape of two great creatures, entwined about the centre point and marking a unique meeting of the fundamental male and female energies.

the White Lions holds an energy of helping LEY LINES and Sirius energy
they aid the Planet Spiritually
this is Casper in the Isle of Wight Zoo  

Casper WHITE LION at Isle of Wight zoo

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jaguar Prophecies and Mayans by Roshandra

Jaguar and it's image and energy has been brought to my ...focus and in my dreams a LOT Lately....a team of FOUR Light workers ...are working a LEY LINE Grid and Pyramid energies at this LEO FULL Moon and clearing and opening the energies of aiding this Location and the Spirit of the Jaguar...Feathered Serpent...The Moon and the Sun....

To describe the Prophecies the Ancient order of the “Chilam-Balam” (Jaguar-Prophets) used a special language called “ZUYYA-THAN” (pristine language) or the “AKAB-DZIB-MAYAB-THAN” language (hidden wisdom writings).

As an example, as we sat on the Jaguar Throne at the top of the K'u-Kuul-
Kaan pyramid in Chichen Itza, he told me one of the Oral Tradition Maya Prophecies: 

“The ancient ones said that the Maya Lands are the home of the bird called “T’HO”, a bird with beautiful blue feathers, and these birds are our Grandfathers and they are waiting for the Goddess to come back again” (Waiting for the Awakening of the Sacred Feminine).

The Goddess will bring again the Solar-Knowledge to Humankind; and allow them to fly out of their caves. (It means that Human Beings will fly again in spirit out of their bodies (their caves) applying the Solar-Wisdom in order to once again reach the Stars.

Now, it is the time to fly out of our own limitations and to see and to experience in our spirit and the spirit of one “Whose Name is Whispered in a Breath” the amazing gift we have to change anything in a positive and creative manifestation of Love and Life.

Now, it is the moment to manifest again the Maya within (“to be a chosen one”) because you have the Science (the intellect) and the Spirit (in your Heart) to fulfill the great responsibility facing 2012: to guide Humankind again, through our actions and words, to the balance and harmony that the ancient ones; Hunab-Ku, Itzamana, IxCheel, and K'u-Kuul-Kaan, desired for us.