Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jaguar Prophecies and Mayans by Roshandra

Jaguar and it's image and energy has been brought to my ...focus and in my dreams a LOT Lately....a team of FOUR Light workers ...are working a LEY LINE Grid and Pyramid energies at this LEO FULL Moon and clearing and opening the energies of aiding this Location and the Spirit of the Jaguar...Feathered Serpent...The Moon and the Sun....

To describe the Prophecies the Ancient order of the “Chilam-Balam” (Jaguar-Prophets) used a special language called “ZUYYA-THAN” (pristine language) or the “AKAB-DZIB-MAYAB-THAN” language (hidden wisdom writings).

As an example, as we sat on the Jaguar Throne at the top of the K'u-Kuul-
Kaan pyramid in Chichen Itza, he told me one of the Oral Tradition Maya Prophecies: 

“The ancient ones said that the Maya Lands are the home of the bird called “T’HO”, a bird with beautiful blue feathers, and these birds are our Grandfathers and they are waiting for the Goddess to come back again” (Waiting for the Awakening of the Sacred Feminine).

The Goddess will bring again the Solar-Knowledge to Humankind; and allow them to fly out of their caves. (It means that Human Beings will fly again in spirit out of their bodies (their caves) applying the Solar-Wisdom in order to once again reach the Stars.

Now, it is the time to fly out of our own limitations and to see and to experience in our spirit and the spirit of one “Whose Name is Whispered in a Breath” the amazing gift we have to change anything in a positive and creative manifestation of Love and Life.

Now, it is the moment to manifest again the Maya within (“to be a chosen one”) because you have the Science (the intellect) and the Spirit (in your Heart) to fulfill the great responsibility facing 2012: to guide Humankind again, through our actions and words, to the balance and harmony that the ancient ones; Hunab-Ku, Itzamana, IxCheel, and K'u-Kuul-Kaan, desired for us.


1 comment:

  1. Spider woman is said to be the Main GODDESS Deity at this site
